Windows 11 and Gaming: What You Need to Know!

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windows 11 gaming
windows11 gaming
windows11 gaming

Despite Microsoft’s assertions of improved gaming performance in Windows 11, emerging evidence suggests potential issues such as severe frame rate damage and game crashes. This controversy raises the question: is it advisable for gamers to refrain from upgrading to Windows 11 to avoid possible repercussions?

Experts find troubling proof that Windows 11 can harm how well games run on computers and make the system unstable. When Microsoft introduced Windows 11, they talked a lot about making it better for playing games, with things like faster load times. But recent tests by digital experts who investigate things like this show that using Windows 11 might be really bad for how well games play and how stable your computer is.

This discovery goes against what people thought, which was that it’s a good idea to switch to Windows 11 for better gaming. Instead, it seems like it might be smarter to stay with Windows 10 if you want your games to work well without problems. As we look at the proof that shows the not-so-good reality of gaming on Windows 11, we’ll think about what it means.

Direct Storage API Doesn’t Work as Expected

Windows 11 promotes DirectStorage, a tool that should make games load super fast by using fancy SSD drives. But when people tested it with games like Forspoken, they found that it actually makes things worse on Windows 11.

Sometimes, the games would stutter or freeze, making them almost impossible to play. DirectStorage needs special SSD hardware and drivers, but they don’t always work well with Windows 11. So, relying on this feature to make gaming better might not be a good idea until they fix these problems.

Too Many Cores Cause Slowdown

Windows 11 Makes it Hard for Cheaper Gaming PCs to Upgrade.

If your computer has less than 8 cores, you can’t upgrade to Windows 11. This creates big problems for budget gaming computers that still use 4 or 6 core processors. These computers either have to spend a lot on new CPUs to upgrade, or they’re stuck on Windows 10 and miss out on future improvements.

Many gamers use 6-core or weaker CPUs, and Windows 11 seems to forget about them, leaving budget gamers in a tough spot.

NVIDIA Drivers Not Working as Well as Expected

windows 11 gaming
windows 11 gaming

Even though Microsoft said they fixed problems with NVIDIA graphics cards on Windows 11, people are still having trouble with performance in popular games, no matter the graphics settings.

The new drivers don’t seem to have any special improvements for Windows 11, which might mean the operating system doesn’t work great with the graphics card right away. Until there are drivers made specifically for Windows 11, you might experience lower FPS and stuttering in your games.

This driver issue makes us wonder: can Windows 11 really handle smooth and fast gameplay? Right now, it looks like the answer is no.

Games Often Crash Due to More Memory Leaks

Early users report that Windows 11 has a big problem with memory leaks, causing games to crash much more than Windows 10. Even after checking for issues, like high memory or CPU usage, nothing unusual shows up.

Games keep closing unexpectedly at a much higher rate, and the error messages don’t provide useful information. This leads to frustration and losing progress in games. Restarting the computer is the only fix for now, but there’s no guarantee it won’t happen again.

Fixing memory leaks in Windows is hard, and Windows 11 might keep having this problem for a long time. This means gamers might have to deal with unexpected crashes for a while.

HDR Support for Gaming IS ?

Good colors make games look amazing, and high dynamic range (HDR) is crucial for that. Despite Windows 11 claiming improvements in HDR, many users are turning it off because it doesn’t work well. There are issues with brightness and strange artifacts.

Since great HDR is expected in the future, Windows 11 not getting it right from the start is disappointing and makes people unsure about its future success.

Raytracing Reflections Cause Framerate Drops

NVIDIA’s fancy lighting effects, like raytracing, are great in games. But on Windows 11, popular titles with raytracing, such as Cyberpunk 2077 and Call of Duty, make the frames per second (FPS) drop a lot – sometimes by up to 40 frames during intense action. Even when the game settings are the same on Windows 10 and 11, the FPS problems show that it’s a Windows 11 issue.

Raytracing is already tricky for good performance, and with Windows 11 making it worse, gamers might want to wait before upgrading until the problems get fixed.

Last Thoughts

New evidence shows that Windows 11 has problems with gaming, like slower loading and crashing. The clear advice is not to upgrade from Windows 10 too soon if you’re a gamer. Upgrading might cause stability issues and you might lose frames without getting many benefits. It’s better to wait until Microsoft fixes the known problems with performance and compatibility. If you’re happy with gaming on Windows 10, keep enjoying it for now!