Google Integrating AI into Android Auto Starting 2024

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“Google Incorporating AI into Android Auto for Summarizing Busy Conversations in 2024”

Google is introducing artificial intelligence to Android Auto for an interesting reason. They plan to utilize AI to create summaries of “busy conversations” in Android Auto. While this feature could be beneficial for active group chats, its success will depend on the accuracy of the summaries.

Google has been integrating AI into various products this year, and 2024 appears to be an even more significant year for them in the realm of AI. Although artificial intelligence is not a new concept, the introduction of ChatGPT last year marked a notable development. Despite opinions that Google was late to the game, they have now integrated AI into several aspects of their offerings, including Workspace and Search.

Now, Google is aiming to bring some of their AI capabilities to Android Auto, specifically to provide summaries of lengthy text messages. Code discovered in the Google app by 9to5Google suggests the use of AI to generate quick summaries of “busy conversations.” This feature is likely an addition to the existing capability of using Google Assistant to read out messages, not a replacement.

In summary, Google is set to use artificial intelligence to create concise summaries of active group chats within Android Auto, a potentially handy feature for those dealing with extensive messaging. However, the success of this feature will hinge on the accuracy of the AI-generated summaries and whether they capture the full context of the conversations

How Google’s AI in Android Auto Works

Google has been really into AI lately, integrating it into various things like Search, Workspace, and Pixel phones. They even introduced their own AI chatbot to compete with ChatGPT. After the success of that, Google realized they needed to step up their AI game.

Now, for Android Auto, Google Assistant can already read texts aloud. But when there are a lot of messages, instead of reading each one, the AI will create a brief summary to get you up to speed

The AI isn’t PERFECT

When the feature is launched, a notification will appear saying:

“Hey, now I can summarize lengthy convos using AI. Just a heads up, the AI isn’t perfect, might get things mixed up. Are we good to use summaries instead of me reading every text? Let me know.”

I appreciate Google being upfront about the AI potentially making mistakes in the summaries. It’s unclear how practical this feature will be. If you’re discussing plans for the weekend and the AI summarizes it as “my friends are talking about sandwiches?” I might be seriously confused!

The bottom line

Might be useful for massive group chats, especially for drivers who prefer a summary over a flood of texts. We’ll have to see how it performs when Google officially rolls it out. They’ve already tucked a toggle to switch it on/off in the Android Auto settings.

And you can bet Google will amp up their AI game even more in 2024. They introduced some impressive features this year for the Pixel 8, utilizing their new AI model, Gemini. It excels at generating text summaries, replies, and more. Gotta admit, Gemini is making waves right now. Looking forward to seeing more AI innovations from Google next year!

Closing Thoughts

Alright, that’s the update on Google’s upcoming AI feature for conversational summaries in Android Auto. Stay tuned for more information from Mountain View. Feel free to drop any additional topics you’d like me to cover in the comments!